ESP-LX IVM Programming & Operation

This training will teach students how to program and operate the ESP-LX-IVM Controller using features such as Flow Manager™, Flow Watch™ and Simulstations™ as well as using diagnostic functions to troubleshoot system discrepancies.

Course Outline

Unit 1 Introduction to the ESP-LX IVM Controller

Unit 2 ESP-LX IVM Controller Programming

Unit 3 ESP-LX IVM Controller Operation

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Program and operate an ESP-LX IVM Controller.

Suggested Prerequisites

Participants should have a general understanding of irrigation controller operation before attending this training session.
Before the class session, each participant should have the following items:

  • ESP-LX IVM Controller – It is not absolutely required; however, it is recommended in order to follow the instructor as each position of the dial is shown.