Why Should I Become A Rain Bird Factory Trained Professional?
You can earn Rain Bird Factory Trained designations by completing the qualifying coursework and passing a written exam.
Factory Trained courses are clearly identified.
Agree to the safety statement and the code of ethics.
Attend the course and complete all of the required hands-on and practical in-class activities.
At the end of the course the instructor will administer a written exam. You must score a 70% or higher in order to earn your designation.
Approximately 3-4 weeks after attending the course and taking the written exam you will receive notification. If you received a 70% or higher on the written exam, you will receive a certificate and personalized Rain Bird Factory Trained designation mark to use in promoting yourself as Rain Bird Factory Trained.
Factory Trained courses are clearly identified.
Agree to the safety statement and the code of ethics.
Attend the course and complete all of the required hands-on and practical in-class activities.
At the end of the course the instructor will administer a written exam. You must score a 70% or higher in order to earn your designation.
Approximately 3-4 weeks after attending the course and taking the written exam you will receive notification. If you received a 70% or higher on the written exam, you will receive a certificate and personalized Rain Bird Factory Trained designation mark to use in promoting yourself as Rain Bird Factory Trained.
How Will A Rain Bird Factory Trained Designation Benefit Me?
By using the Factory Trained designation mark in your marketing and advertising materials, you are leveraging the #1 brand in irrigation, Rain Bird. You can use the Rain Bird Factory Trained designation mark on your website, marketing materials and bid proposals.
Earning a Rain Bird Factory Trained designation shows your customers you have the expert knowledge to help them:
– Prolong system life using installation best practices
– Effectively and efficiently gain the most benefits out of powerful Rain Bird Central Control systems
– Lower their water usage and bill while maintaining healthy and beautiful landscapes
Designations are only awarded to an individual and not to a company. Designations are good for 3 years, at which time designation will need to be renewed.
Earning a Rain Bird Factory Trained designation shows your customers you have the expert knowledge to help them:
– Prolong system life using installation best practices
– Effectively and efficiently gain the most benefits out of powerful Rain Bird Central Control systems
– Lower their water usage and bill while maintaining healthy and beautiful landscapes
Designations are only awarded to an individual and not to a company. Designations are good for 3 years, at which time designation will need to be renewed.
What Will I Get When I Become Rain Bird Factory Trained Professional?
In addition to receiving the highest quality training on Rain Bird products and installation, operation and maintenance best practices, you will also receive the following benefits.
You will receive a personalized certificate demonstrating that you have earned a Rain Bird Factory Trained designation.
You will receive a Factory Trained designation mark that you use to promote yourself as Rain Bird Factor Trained.
You will receive a personalized certificate demonstrating that you have earned a Rain Bird Factory Trained designation.
You will receive a Factory Trained designation mark that you use to promote yourself as Rain Bird Factor Trained.
Is The Rain Bird Factory Trained Program Only For Irrigation Contractors?
No. The Rain Bird Factory Trained Program was developed to train more than just the irrigation contractors. This course was developed for the following:
– Designers who have to balance the requirements of the project with the capabilities of the right product and/or irrigation system.
– Specifiers who are tasked with identifying and “putting together” all the necessary components required to make the product and/or system perform as required by the customer.
– Service Technicians whose assignments are the upkeep, maintenance, troubleshooting and repair of the product and/or irrigation system.
– Water Managers who are responsible for the day-to-day operation and reporting documentation of the product and/or irrigation system.
– Designers who have to balance the requirements of the project with the capabilities of the right product and/or irrigation system.
– Specifiers who are tasked with identifying and “putting together” all the necessary components required to make the product and/or system perform as required by the customer.
– Service Technicians whose assignments are the upkeep, maintenance, troubleshooting and repair of the product and/or irrigation system.
– Water Managers who are responsible for the day-to-day operation and reporting documentation of the product and/or irrigation system.
Can I Earn Continuing Education Credits By Taking Rain Bird Factory Trained Classes?
Yes. Rain Bird Training Services is proud to be a Continuing Education provider for many States, Counties and organizations. Please click here to see more details.
How to renew my Factory Trained designation?
Step 1: Verify that your Factory Trained designation has been expired or about to expire
Step 2: Click Here to register for your expired/soon to expire designations
Step 3: You will receive an email with instructions to access your Online Exams
Step 4: Please note that you will have 5 business days to complete the exam(s) after the registration has been completed
Step 2: Click Here to register for your expired/soon to expire designations
Step 3: You will receive an email with instructions to access your Online Exams
Step 4: Please note that you will have 5 business days to complete the exam(s) after the registration has been completed